This section provides a list of some of LabSuite's features that might go unnoticed without closely reading the program's manual.
- Test data can be printed in a variety of different formats, including one that lists all of your raw test readings (handy for archiving your test data in paper or .PDF form).
- Grain size data may be entered as either raw testing data or as final calculated test results (i.e., sieve size and percent passing). The latter option allows you to chart pre-calculated grain size tests without having access to the original testing data.
- Database of balance, thermometer, oven, hydrometer, and sedimentation cylinders, along with sedimentation cylinder areas and hydrometer dimensions.
- Several different sieve test methods (i.e., weighing each sieve and its retained material, or weighing a cumulative pan) are supported.
- Sieves may be entered as numbered (e.g., #10), inch-sized (e.g., 1") and/or millimeter-sized (e.g., 75mm.).
- Automatic determination of hydrometer temperature correction values from a single correction reading eliminates ASTM D422 Section 7.2 multiple correction values requirement.
- Both 151H and 152H hydrometers are supported.
- Interactive curve shaping facility can be used to remove poor data points from the grain size distribution curve.
- Fineness modulus, percentage diameters (e.g., D10, D30 and D60), coefficient of uniformity (Cu) and curvature (Cc), and fractional components (e.g., the percentage of cobbles, gravel, sand, silt and clay in the material tested) are calculated.
- Optionally, Folk & Ward's graphical statistics parameters (mean, median, sorting, skewness, and kurtosis) can be included on grain size summary reports.
- Both the standard multi-point (up to 6 test points) liquid limit test and the ASTM D4318 Method B (one-point) test are supported.
- Up to 4 plastic limit moistures may be entered.
- A second oven-dried liquid limit test may be entered if an organics check is necessary: ASTM D2487, otherwise known as the USCS classification method, requires a second liquid limit test after oven-drying if the sample is suspected to contain significant amounts of organics.
- Calculated liquid and plastic limits results are also automatically used to classify the soil using ASTM, AASHTO, USDA, Burmister and Australian Standard (AS 1726) methods.
- Atterberg limits calculations include support for one-point liquid limit tests and calculation of plasticity and liquidity indices.
- Optional automatic averaging of two moisture content tests per compaction point.
- Compaction test specification editor supports adding new, modified or updated compaction test specifications to the program's list of supported test types.
- Automatic adjustment of compaction test results to account for oversize material (i.e., "rock correction") via ASTM D4718, AASHTO T 224 or CT-216.
- Limited support for creating a compaction curve from a single moisture-density test point.
- If the GEOSYSTEM Boring Log Drafting program is licensed, calculated results such as the percent passing the #200 sieve, Atterberg limits and soil classification results are available for inclusion on boring log reports.