LabSuite reduces and reports data from moisture-density (i.e., "Proctor" or "compaction" tests), Atterberg limits and sieve and hydrometer grain-size distribution tests and classifies the soil based upon USCS, AASHTO, Burmister, USDA and Australian Standard (AS) 1726 standards.
- The software's moisture-density test calculations are compliant with ASTM D698 and D1557, AASHTO T 99 and T 180, and California Test method 216 (CT-216). Oversize (rock) correction of test results can be performed according to ASTM D4718, AASHTO T 224 and CT-216.
- Sieve and hydrometer test calculations are compliant with the retired ASTM D422 standard, and current ASTM C136 and C117, D1140, D6913 and D7928 standards, along with their AASHTO equivalents (AASHTO T 27 and T 11), and Australian standards 1141.11, 1141.12 and 1289.3.6.1.
- Atterberg limits test calculations are compliant with ASTM D4318, AASHTO T 89, and Australian Standards AS 1289.3.1.1, 1289.3.2.1 and 1289.3.3.1.
- Supported soil classification methods are: ASTM D2487 (USCS), AASHTO M 145 (ASTM D3282), USDA, Burmister and Australian Standard AS 1726.
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