Atterberg Limits Calculation Options

The Calculated Values selection on the Settings dialog (Options > Program Setup then click on Calculated Values underneath Atterberg Limits in the navigation list at the dialog's left side) includes several options that affect how Atterberg limits results are reported:

Round Atterberg limits to

Determines the number of digits to the right of the decimal that will be printed when reporting the liquid and plastic limit, plasticity index and liquidity index. (Note that ASTM D4318, AASHTO T 89, and Australian Standards AS 1289.3.x.1 all specify that Atterberg limits values are to be rounded to the nearest whole number.)

When plastic limit>=liquid limit, report plasticity index as

ASTM D4318 and AS 1289.3.3.1 disagree on how the plasticity index is to be reported if the sample's plastic limit is larger than its liquid limit: ASTM indicates that the soil should be reported as NP (see Section 18.1.1), while the Australian Standard indicates that the plastic limit is to be reported as 0 (see Section 5, note c). The When plastic limit>=liquid limit, report plasticity index as selection allows you to choose between the two reporting options.