Atterberg Limits Test Data Entry

LabSuite's Atterberg test data entry window may be viewed by selecting Window > Test Data or by clicking on the Test Data navigation tab.

Liquid Limit Test Data Entry

LabSuite supports two distinct liquid limit tests per sample: one on the as-received sample and a second (optional) test on an oven-dried portion of the sample. (The oven-dried test is used as an organics check by the ASTM D2487 (USCS) classification.) Before entering liquid limit data, click on the "Standard" Liquid Limit Test tab. Afterwards, if you need to enter an oven-dried liquid limit test, click on the Oven-Dried Organics Check tab then enter your oven-dried liquid limit data.

Tare ID

If the option to enter container weights as tare IDs has been selected, data entry begins by selecting an ID from the drop-down tare ID list. Once an ID is chosen, Tare box will be filled in with the weight corresponding to that container.

Wt. w+t

Wt. d+t


These are, respectively: the weights (in grams) of the wet soil and container, dry soil and container and the container by itself.


Enter the number of blows required to close the grooved soil.


Check this box if the liquid limit could not be determined.

Use ASTM D4318 1-point calculation method

If the liquid limit test is to be calculated by the ASTM one-point method, click on this check box.

Note that the one-point option may be selected for either the natural or oven-dried liquid limit or both -- the check box lists the selection for the soil type (natural or oven-dried) currently selected. For example, to select the one-point method for the oven-dried sample, first click on the Oven-Dried Organics Check soil-type tab, then click on the Use ASTM D4318 1-point calculation method check box.

Plastic Limit Test Data Entry

LabSuite supports up to 4 plastic limit moisture content tests. Data entry is similar to the liquid limit procedure covered above.


Check this box if the plastic limit could not be determined (the check box is only available if you haven't entered any plastic limit data).

Natural Moisture Test Data Entry

The software also accepts data for a natural moisture content test used to calculate the soil's liquidity index.