Selecting Options > Setup General Options then clicking on Reporting Options in the left-side navigation panel brings up a very minimal dialog of configuration options affecting how the program draws all boring log reports. Currently, the dialog has a single setting -- almost all reporting options are set on a per-report form basis using the program's Report Form Editor.
Eliminate duplicate patterns at successive depths
The new software has a feature that eliminates duplicate stratigraphy patterns at successively deeper intervals. For example: If you had the same stratigraphy pattern (say, C
) at 5, 10 and 15 feet intervals, the new version will not restart the stratigraphy pattern at 10 and 15 feet -- instead, it will show one continuous pattern from 5 feet on down. Since the duplicate C
patterns were eliminated from the log at 10 and 15 feet, you would also not see the "stratigraphy change" lines across the description column at 10 and 15 feet.
This change was made after quite a bit of deliberation: it's intended to eliminate the stratigraphy change lines that were showing up when the USCS soil classifier found the same USCS classification for samples taken at successively deeper locations in the hole. If you would prefer to not have this feature, uncheck the box.