When generating a report, LOGDRAFT uses all of the data entered into one or more source folders. The Report Settings dialog allows you to choose which sources will be printed -- there are several different ways choose.
To choose sources to print from the Sources list:
- If you know exactly which sources are to be printed you can click on them in the sources panel on the left side of the dialog: Sources selected for printing are shown with a check mark.
- Once a source is shown with a check mark, clicking on it a second time deselects it so it won't be printed.
- Clicking on the All button prints all of the sources entered into the project.
- Clicking on the None button deselects all of the sources you may have selected.
- The Cutlines button allows you to save your selection of sources so that you can print the same selection at a later date. This option is useful when printing profiles -- it allows you to repeatedly print profiles with same borings shown each time. Cutlines are discussed further in this section.