Thank you for purchasing the GEOSYSTEM Soil Boring Log package, LOGDRAFT. This package is designed to plot logs of the data gathered during subsurface investigations: In addition to the standard "single-boring-per-page, scaled by depth" report, you can use LOGDRAFT to plot two-dimensional multi-boring reports (also called subsurface profiles) and plan views and to produce summaries of testing data. The package comes with a number of report forms which you can freely modify. You can also custom-design new report forms.
- LOGDRAFT is capable of plotting reports on any Windows-compatible printer, in just about any paper size available. Additionally, any report may instead be sent to an AutoCAD-compatible .DXF file, an Adobe Acrobat-compatible .PDF file, a Windows .EMF file which may be imported into any Windows word processor, or as a .PNG or .JPG image file that is compatible with most paint programs and suitable for posting on webpages. The package also exports ASCII data files which may be read by any word processor, database or spreadsheet program.
- Some reports can be filtered, meaning that the user can have the program report only data matching a specific criterion such as "report all samples with PID readings greater than 100".
In addition to generating its own reports, LOGDRAFT serves as a front end for the GEOSYSTEM for Windows laboratory testing programs. For example, after entering the depth and number for a sample gathered in a boring the user can click on a link to jump to the GEOSYSTEM for Windows Grain Size Distribution module and enter information about the grain size test performed on the sample; once the grain size information has been entered, closing the program re-displays LOGDRAFT's subsurface data entry screen.