Once an annotation has been added to a profile or plan view it can be moved, modified (for example, the color of an annotation line may be changed) or deleted.
To move an annotation:
- Place the mouse cursor over the annotation to be moved. (Note that line annotations are moved one point at a time.)
- Click the left mouse button.
- Move the mouse to the new location for the annotation then click the left mouse button again. Alternatively, select Point from the pop-up menu to place the annotation exactly at a specific coordinate. (This option is discussed in detail in this section.)
To modify an annotation's properties:
- Place the mouse cursor over the annotation to be modified.
- Click the left mouse button.
- Choose Properties from the pop-up menu.
- For annotation text, this displays the Text Annotation dialog.
- For annotation lines, this displays the Line Properties dialog.
- For graphical symbols files this displays the Graphical Symbol dialog.
To delete an annotation:
- Place the mouse cursor over the annotation to be modified.
- Click the left mouse button.
- Choose Delete from the pop-up menu.
- Multi-segment annotation lines are deleted one segment at a time.