Error Message: "The program encountered an error when trying to import your file"

If you encounter this message while trying to import a data acquisition file that is a spreadsheet, look at the bottom of the Suggested solution portion of the error message box: If the error data contains the text "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed", the error means that you don't have the system driver installed that's necessary for the software to read from .XLS and .XLSX spreadsheet files. To correct the problem, go to this link, click the "Download" button, then install AccessDatabaseEngine.exe.

  • Do not install AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe, even if you have a 64-bit system.
  • Our software is a 32-bit application, so it needs the 32-bit driver.

  • If you're installing the driver on a system that already has Office365 installed, you may need to add a /quiet switch when running the installer.
  • Do this by opening an administrative command prompt, and providing the installation path and switch Ex:

    AccessDatabaseEngine.exe /quiet