Top Support Documents
- Installation Recommendations for New Geosystem Programs
- How to Change the Organization Name on Your Printed Reports
- "Exception EAssertionFailed: The particle breakdown list file is corrupted" Message on LabSuite 4 Startup
- How to Enter Particle Size Specification Envelopes
- Moving From One Standalone Computer to Another
- Moving Your LOGDRAFT Forms and Soil Test Program Settings to a New Computer
- Adding Logos to Geosystem Soil Test Programs' Reports
- Obtaining a Replacement for a Licensed Geosystem Package
- System Requirements
Helpful information on how to install your new Geosystem program package.
This page gives directions on how to change the organization (company) name that is printed on reports generated by licensed Geosystem programs.
Instructions on fixing an archaic GrainSize, CLSuite, or LabSuite program installation after installing the wrong update file.
Gives instructions on entering a new specification envelope for use on your particle distribution report.
Directions on moving your Geosystem software from a standalone installation to a new computer.
Gives directions on moving your LOGDRAFT report and data entry forms, and soil test program settings (specification envelopes, deflection tables, Proctor test specifications, etc.) to a new computer.
Discusses how a company logo may be added to PROCTOR, GrainSize, CONS, CBR, R-VALUE, CLSuite or LabSuite hardcopy reports.
We can supply replacements for most current and almost-current Geosystem programs and packages via a downloadable installer.
Hardware, operating system and networking requirements for Geosystem programs
Support Library
Click a category to show that category's support documents. Note that this page only provides support documents for current Geosystem program versions.
Installation Questions
- Installation Recommendations for New Geosystem Programs top issue
- Network Installation Notes for Geosystem Programs
- Obtaining a Replacement for a Licensed Geosystem Package top issue
- Moving From One Standalone Computer to Another top issue
- Moving Your LOGDRAFT or Soil Lab. Test Projects to a New Computer top issue
- Moving Your LOGDRAFT Forms and Soil Test Program Settings to a New Computer top issue
- Moving Geosystem Server Installations to a New Server
- Creating a Desktop Shortcut for Your Geosystem Program
- System Requirements
- Controlling Lab. and Boring Log Software Updates
- Using Geosystem Software Products with a Windows 2008 Server
Helpful information on how to install your new Geosystem program package.
Items to consider when operating a Geosystem program from a network share.
We can supply replacements for most current and almost-current Geosystem program or package via a downloadable installer.
Directions on moving your Geosystem software from a standalone installation to a new computer.
Gives directions on moving your LOGDRAFT or soil test project files to a new computer.
Gives directions on moving your LOGDRAFT report and data entry forms, and soil test program settings (specification envelopes, deflection tables, Proctor test specifications, etc.) to a new computer.
Instructions on moving a Geosystem program installation, data and settings from one server to another.
Gives instructions on creating a Desktop shortcut for our Geosystem program if the software was installed on a network drive or if you didn't opt to have a shortcut added during the program's installation.
Hardware, operating system and networking requirements for Geosystem programs
Discusses how to place the Geosystem Data Manager automatic update process under administrative control.
Covers tuning recommendations for using Geosystem software products on a Windows 2008 file server.
Installation Problems
- Installation Error Message: The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you are running.
- Error Message: "LICENSE.TXT is Corrupted" When Installing From a CD
- Unsupported 16-Bit Application
You'll see this message when installing an older Geosystem package on a 64-bit Windows system.
Covers a problem experienced when installing an old Geosystem program from its CD.
Describes an error message received when installing on a 64-bit Windows operating system.
LOGDRAFT or Soil Test Programs Won't Start
- The image file GDM.EXE is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine
Discusses a problem encountered when running archaic Geosystem programs on 64-bit Windows systems.
Data Files for LOGDRAFT and Soil Test Programs (LabSuite, CONS, SHEAR et al.)
- Moving Your LOGDRAFT or Soil Lab. Test Projects to a New Computer top issue
- Problems Opening or Saving Data Files
- Warning Messages Displayed When Opening Proctor, Grain Size or CONS Test Files Created on Different Computers
- Emailing LOGDRAFT or Soil Test Project Files
- Moving, Copying or Renaming LOGDRAFT or Soil Test Project Files
- Moving Samples Between Source Folders
- Splitting Geosystem for Windows Projects
- Determining the Proper Installation Location for .GeZip Files
Gives directions on moving your LOGDRAFT or soil test project files to a new computer.
See this document if you get an error message when opening or saving a source folder or project file that stores boring log and/or soils test data.
Describes problems encountered when opening a grain size, Proctor or CONS data file on a different computer than the one used to create the file.
How to email a LOGDRAFT or soil test project file to someone else who also has a Geosystem license.
How to copy, move or rename a LOGDRAFT or soil test project file.
Discusses a method for moving samples between different material source folders in a project file
Provides instructions for splitting a project into two parts.
Gives directions for locating the proper directory to which downloaded .GeZip files are to be saved.
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Topics
- Missing CBR Design Value on Reports
- Adding Logos to Geosystem Soil Test Programs' Reports top issue
- How to Change the Organization Name on Your Printed Reports
- Missing Sample Location on Soil Test Reports
Discusses how a company logo may be added to PROCTOR, GrainSize, CONS, CBR, R-VALUE, CLSuite or LabSuite hardcopy reports.
Discusses how to change the name printed in the title block of Geosystem reports.
See this document if you've entered a sample location that isn't being printed on your soil test reports.
CONS (Swell/Consolidation) Version 4 Topics
- Upside-Down Compression Curves top issue
- Problems Plotting Swell/Consolidation Time-Rate Curves
- Problems with Cc and Pc Results
- "Construction" D0 Radio Button is Disabled for Log(time) Curves
- Message: "The program encountered an error when trying to import your file"
- Adding Logos to Geosystem Soil Test Programs' Reports top issue
- How to Change the Organization Name on Your Printed Reports
- Selection Lists for GrainSize/CLSuite4/LabSuite4/Proctor, CONS and SHEAR
- Missing Sample Location on Soil Test Reports
- Altering the Title Printed at the Top of a Lab. Test Chart Report
How to correct reports that show compression curves upside-down.
Covers reasons why consolidation time-rate curves do not print, along with reasons why time-rate values are not calculated.
Discusses reasons why the software may not be reporting Cc and Pc values.
Discusses why the program sometimes does not allow the log(time) D0 point to be selected via a t/4t construction.
Errors encountered when trying to import a spreadsheet-based data acquisition file.
Discusses how a company logo may be added to PROCTOR, GrainSize, CONS, CBR, R-VALUE, CLSuite or LabSuite hardcopy reports.
Discusses how to change the name printed in the title block of Geosystem reports.
Describes a program feature that allows users to set up lists of testing personnel, boilerplate testing remarks, etc.
See this document if you've entered a sample location that isn't being printed on your soil test reports.
Covers the procedure for changing the title shown at the top of your laboratory test program's reports.
Grain Size Version 5 Topics
- How to Enter Particle Size Specification Envelopes top issue
- Sharing Specification Envelopes Among Computers top issue
- Adding Logos to Geosystem Soil Test Programs' Reports top issue
- How to Change the Organization Name on Your Printed Reports
- Silt and Clay Percentages Not Reported
- Gravel Percentage Not Reported
- Entering a #200 Wash Test
- How to Use 0.002mm. as the Grain Size Silt/Clay Division
- Why Don't the Calculated Percentages Add Up to 100%?
- Selection Lists for GrainSize/CLSuite4/LabSuite4/Proctor, CONS and SHEAR
- Missing Sample Location on Soil Test Reports
- Altering the Title Printed at the Top of a Lab. Test Chart Report
Gives instructions on entering a new specification envelope for use on your particle distribution report.
Discusses how to share specification envelopes between different installations of the software.
Discusses how a company logo may be added to PROCTOR, GrainSize, CONS, CBR, R-VALUE, CLSuite or LabSuite hardcopy reports.
Discusses how to change the name printed in the title block of Geosystem reports.
Discusses reasons why the program doesn't report silt and clay percentages.
Discusses reasons why the program doesn't report gravel percentages.
Discusses entering a #200 wash test without any further sieve test data.
Switching the silt/clay particle division size from 0.005mm to 0.002mm.
Answers the question of why the sand, silt, and clay percentages don't sum to 100%.
Describes a program feature that allows users to set up lists of testing personnel, boilerplate testing remarks, etc.
See this document if you've entered a sample location that isn't being printed on your soil test reports.
Covers the procedure for changing the title shown at the top of your laboratory test program's reports.
LOGDRAFT (Boring Logs) Version 5 Topics
Data Entry Problems
- "The file LEGEND.GDT is missing or could not be opened", or the program does not display any stratigraphy pattern or sampler symbol, USCS classification or monitoring well schematic selections
Covers problems with the program's legend file.
Data Entry Tips
- LOGDRAFT Keyboard Shortcuts
- Adding Data Entry Fields to the Laboratory Testing Modules Entry Form
- Reviewing Data from Multiple Borings
Discusses several data entry shortcuts not documented in the LOGDRAFT manual, including one for inserting the degree symbol into text.
Discusses a method used to place additional data entry fields on the form used for entering identifying information about lab. testing samples.
Shows how to list and edit the data from more than one boring on a single data entry screen.
Problems with Reports
- Missing Stratigraphy Transition Lines in LOGDRAFT 5 top issue
- Topmost Item of Data Doesn't Print on a LOGDRAFT Boring Log Table
- LOGDRAFT Prints Many More Pages Than Expected
Discusses why stratigraphy transition lines do not appear as expected at some depths.
Shows how to fix a report form that doesn't print the topmost item of data in a particular column on the report's subsurface table.
Covers several problems that could cause LOGDRAFT to output more pages than expected when printing a boring log.
Reporting Tips
- Requesting Help in Modifying a LOGDRAFT Report Form top issue
- Custom Colors for LOGDRAFT Legends
- Multiple-Boring Graphs
- Stopping LOGDRAFT from Connecting Successively Deeper Graph Markers
- Printing Blow Counts such as 50/3" on Graphs
- Adding a Surface Conditions Note to a Boring Log's Description Column
- Using LOGDRAFT to Calculate Test Results
- LOGDRAFT's Multi-Boring Chart Capability
- Panning LOGDRAFT Report Preview Screens
- Profile View Orientation
How to contact Geosystem support with report form modification questions.
How to include additional colors in the selection boxes shown in the STRATA table of the LOGDRAFT legend screen.
Introduces LOGDRAFT's multi-boring graph reports.
How to make connections between successively-deeper makers on a graph optional.
Shows how N-value graphs can indicate SPT runs that could not be driven a full foot/30 cm.
Shows how to modify a boring log form to add an above-ground note indicating surface condition.
How to add spreadsheet-style calculations to the LOGDRAFT data entry screen.
Introduces LOGDRAFT's multi-boring graph reports.
Discusses a non-documented way to pan around a zoomed report preview.
Shows how to reverse the order in which borings are plotted on a subsurface profile report.
Proctor (Moisture-Density) Version 5 Topics
- Adding Logos to Geosystem Soil Test Programs' Reports top issue
- How to Change the Organization Name on Your Printed Reports
- Displaying the Uncorrected Test Results and Curve
- Proctor Oversize (Rock) Correction Problems
- Selection Lists for GrainSize/CLSuite4/LabSuite4/Proctor, CONS and SHEAR
- Missing Sample Location on Soil Test Reports
- Altering the Title Printed at the Top of a Lab. Test Chart Report
Discusses how a company logo may be added to PROCTOR, GrainSize, CONS, CBR, R-VALUE, CLSuite or LabSuite hardcopy reports.
Discusses how to change the name printed in the title block of Geosystem reports.
Gives instructions on getting the software to show your uncorrected curve and test results on chart reports.
Details problems encountered in applying oversize corrections to Proctor test results.
Describes a program feature that allows users to set up lists of testing personnel, boilerplate testing remarks, etc.
See this document if you've entered a sample location that isn't being printed on your soil test reports.
Covers the procedure for changing the title shown at the top of your laboratory test program's reports.
Please see this link
- How to Change the Organization Name on Your Printed Reports
- Merging Two Projects Containing Field Density Data
- Error Message: "Error 3265 Item not found in this collection"
- Adding Logos to Field Density Reports
Discusses how to change the name printed in the title block of Geosystem reports.
The Geosystem Data Manager can merge two projects as long as they don't include field density reports. If the project has field density reports an additional step is required. To merget the field density reports open the project then open the field density module. Select Tools > Merge QC-Density. If duplicate test numbers are encountered you will be given the option to include or ignore.
If the error occurs in a message box with the heading "SetStandardColumnsVersion X.X.X" you must delete a file in the project folder. Have all users exit the project. Then, using Windows, open the project folder and delete any files with a .ldb file extension. The project folder is the folder you pick to open the project, with the name extension .GEO.
Only custom forms, created by Geosystem, can have logos. For a quote for a custom form, send a sample of your desired form and a price will be provided.
- "The database is out of date" Error Message
See this document if you get a warning message upon opening the field density data entry screen.
Soil Classification Version 5 Topics
- Soils are Not Classified Unless the "NV" and "NP" Boxes are Checked
- Percentages on the USDA Report Do Not Match Those on the Particle Distribution Report
LabSuite and CLSuite require valid Atterberg data to classify most soils.
Explains why the sand, silt and clay percentages on the USDA report do not match those on the GrainSize report
Triaxial & Direct Shear, Unconfined Compression (SHEAR)
- SHEAR Data Acquisition Dialog "Type of test" Box Does Not Include Needed Test Typetop issue
- Adding Logos to Geosystem Soil Test Reports top issue
- How to Change the Organization Name on Your Printed Reports
- Isomorphic (Identical) Horizontal and Vertical Failure Envelope Chart Scales in SHEAR
- Error Messages Received When Importing Data Acquisition Files into SHEAR
- Selection Lists for GrainSize/CLSuite4/LabSuite4/Proctor, CONS and SHEAR
- Missing Sample Location on Soil Test Reports
Discusses why the "Type of test" box on the SHEAR data acquisition dialog does not include the type of test you want to import.
Discusses how a company logo may be added to PROCTOR, GrainSize, CONS, CBR, R-VALUE, CLSuite or LabSuite hardcopy reports.
Discusses how to change the name printed in the title block of Geosystem reports.
How to set the horizontal and vertical scales on the SHEAR failure envelope graph to be identical.
Discusses problems encountered when trying to import data acquisition files into SHEAR.
Describes a program feature that allows users to set up lists of testing personnel, boilerplate testing remarks, etc.
See this document if you've entered a sample location that isn't being printed on your soil test reports.
Unsupported Versions
OUTDATED: Grain Size Version 4 Topics
- "Exception EAssertionFailed: The particle breakdown list file is corrupted" Message on LabSuite 4 Startup top issue
- How to Enter Particle Size Specification Envelopes top issue
- Adding Logos to Geosystem Soil Test Reports top issue
- How to Change the Organization Name on Your Printed Reports
- Silt and Clay Percentages Not Reported
- Gravel Percentage Not Reported
- Entering a #200 Wash Test
- How to Use 0.002mm. as the Grain Size Silt/Clay Division
- Why Don't the Calculated Percentages Add Up to 100%?
- Selection Lists for GrainSize/CLSuite4/LabSuite4/Proctor, CONS and SHEAR
- Missing Sample Location on Soil Test Reports
- Altering the Title Printed at the Top of a Lab. Test Chart Report
Instructions on fixing an archaic GrainSize, CLSuite, or LabSuite program installation after installing the wrong update file.
Gives instructions on entering a new specification envelope for use on your particle distribution report.
Discusses how a company logo may be added to PROCTOR, GrainSize, CONS, CBR, R-VALUE, CLSuite or LabSuite hardcopy reports.
Discusses how to change the name printed in the title block of Geosystem reports.
Discusses reasons why the program doesn't report silt and clay percentages.
Discusses reasons why the program doesn't report gravel percentages.
Discusses entering a #200 wash test without any further sieve test data.
Switching the silt/clay particle division size from 0.005mm to 0.002mm.
Answers the question of why the sand, silt, and clay percentages don't sum to 100%.
Describes a program feature that allows users to set up lists of testing personnel, boilerplate testing remarks, etc.
See this document if you've entered a sample location that isn't being printed on your soil test reports.
Covers the procedure for changing the title shown at the top of your laboratory test program's reports.
OUTDATED: Proctor (Moisture-Density) Version 4 Topics
- Adding Logos to Geosystem Soil Test Reports top issue
- How to Change the Organization Name on Your Printed Reports
- Displaying the Uncorrected Test Results and Curve
- Proctor Oversize (Rock) Correction Problems
- Selection Lists for GrainSize/CLSuite4/LabSuite4/Proctor, CONS and SHEAR
- Missing Sample Location on Soil Test Reports
- Altering the Title Printed at the Top of a Lab. Test Chart Report
Discusses how a company logo may be added to PROCTOR, GrainSize, CONS, CBR, R-VALUE, CLSuite or LabSuite hardcopy reports.
Discusses how to change the name printed in the title block of Geosystem reports.
Gives instructions on getting the software to show your uncorrected curve and test results on chart reports.
Details problems encountered in applying oversize corrections to Proctor test results.
Describes a program feature that allows users to set up lists of testing personnel, boilerplate testing remarks, etc.
See this document if you've entered a sample location that isn't being printed on your soil test reports.
Covers the procedure for changing the title shown at the top of your laboratory test program's reports.
Please note that many tickets submitted during January, 2025 have been lost due to an email issue. If you haven't received a response on a support request submitted before January 21, please re-submit, with our apologies.
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